Kape Tayo!

I can’t readily count how many cups of coffee I’ve had over the last seven days. Indeed coffee is so much a part of my life coffeethat I can structure a summary of my week’s highlights around it. Let me give it a shot:

  • Coffee of the day: pressed Sumatra coffee for breakfast at home, which meant we were unable to attend the Sunday morning service at church. Our usual routine is to leave home early and have breakfast at the church cafeteria, but the hubby fell ill so we did live streaming instead. We observed the Sabbath for real, spending most of the day catching up on much needed rest.
  • Woke up at 4 A.M. on Monday and left home before 5 so I was able to enjoy the breezy drive to the clinic with the hubby — of course by “breezy” I meant I was able to go 40 to 50 KPH, a virtually mythical speed range in Metro Manila where the traffic can run as bad as 2 KPH on a weekday rush hour. At the clinic I got to enjoy the only instant coffee I am able to appreciate a bit, Kopiko Astig (Yikes, that sounded like a paid product endorsement).
  • Had more of my Sumatra coffee to start my busy Tuesday right. The caffeine load served me well as I gave a short talk on social work/non-profit work at The Master’s Academy’s career day forum, and later co-facilitated (with the hubby) our small group session on the Pray-Care-Share movement of our church.
  • Wednesday: Coffee. Work. Repeat.
  • On Thursday, I had very little sleep and another early morning at the clinic, which meant another date with Kopiko Astig instant coffee. Then a meeting with my boss — I was so sleepy I had to order Vietnamese coffee just prior to lunch! A couple of hours later, was treated by a friend to a cup of iced latte at Tully’s while prepping for a networking business opportunity presentation. (This may be a subject of a future post.)
  • Finished off the last grains of my Sumatra coffee on Friday, and got to share my brew with guests. Later tried the Coffee Dreams signature brew to ensure I’d be awake through the Heneral Luna screening. It was a good cup, and it was a wow of a movie.
  • Got to hold the coffee off until after the delicious and pleasantly chatter-filled thanksgiving lunch today among our church magazine volunteers. Did end up giving in to a cup of brewed coffee at Coffee Belle, but it was just perfect to keep me up for the work I had to finish this afternoon.

So I wasn’t kidding, see? Cups of coffee can actually serve as life markers. Care to try? 🙂

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