Tag Archives: fan fiction

Filipino Fridays 2014 #3: Fan Fiction?

Since I committed to participate faithfully in this year’s Filipino Fridays, I’m posting my “non-piece” on this week’s topic, which asks:

What is your take on fanfiction? Do you read fanfiction, and if you do, what kind of fanfiction do you read? Do you write fanfiction, and why? Or are you against fanfiction? Enlighten us.

So here’s the thing: I’m an absolute fan fiction virgin. Which means rather than to invent an opinion, I will just take this opportunity to be educated by asking anyone who can give me inputs:

  1. Where’s a good place to start getting exposed to fan fiction?
  2. What absolutely wonderful fan fiction would you recommend?

There they are, my questions in response to this week’s questions. Looking forward to learning!
